Friday, December 8, 2017

Kementerian Penerangan adalah Organisasi Lanun Terancang

I know the first impression of my article will be "it's expected for Tulang Besi to support Pas Youth because he's an Islamist". But I beg you to read my reasoning first before you draw your conclusion.

My support stems from the fact that Malays are encouraged to indulge in "entertainment". Don't take my word for it, just turn on your Astro and compare the contents of "Malay" channels, as compared to other channels. I mean, at least with the English channels, we have the news channel, documentaries like the Discovery channel; there's even a BBC Food channel and also the sports channel.

But when it comes to Malay channels, nothing but mindless and empty entertainment. Day in and day out. It is still not too far away from our memories when Siti Nurhaliza's wedding was televised live on national TV. At the same time, ASTRO didn't want to concede ratings therefore an interview with Mawi and Ina specifically discussing the break-up of Mawi's engagement with Ina was organized.

I mean, what do I care about Mawi's breakup with Ina? It's a family affair and let them settle it among their respective families. As for Siti Nurhaliza, I waited for any of the Women's Rights groups to condemn the wedding ceremony but sadly none dared open their mouths. I mean, Siti Nurhaliza married another woman's husband. She broke up a happy family. Now, is that something we should have condoned, what more televised on national TV?

Entertainment is a major tool of UMNO for many reasons. The main reason is to keep Malays from thinking about politics and to prevent Malays from developing sensitivities towards how the government is being run and how their money is being spent. I mean, if you spend your days and nights talking about Siti Nurhaliza, or why Nurul and Ijai divorced, where can you find time to discuss the effects of corruption in the country's economy, or should the Malays change their government or not.

And it worked. In 2008, Malays, on the average, voted opposition only at 40%. The other 60% went to Barisan Nasional. The entertainment tool was instrumental in keeping the Malays intoxicated with trivial and insignificant issues. The real issues evaded the Malays and entertainment seemed to provide the Malays with a fictitious feeling of contentment and satisfaction.

The Malays' level of maturity as a nation is also hampered deliberately using the entertainment tool. As long as Malays are intoxicated, they will forever remain uncritical and insensitive. This will make UMNO's propaganda easier to administer upon the Malays.

In short, it's all a mind control strategy by UMNO; and entertainment is one of the most important tools. It creates apathy among the Malays faster than any other programs. And apathy is the best ally to dictators, as someone said.

At the same time, Malaysian artistes too, suffer from economic deprivation. Many of their works are easily pirated and they struggle to make ends meet. Their only sure source of income is concerts and it seems Malaysian artistes are forced to do concerts their whole lives just to survive.

I had the pleasure of having a conversation with ITO, the lead singer of the Blues Gang. He told me that he was once warned by somebody high in the Information Ministry not to highlight the problem of piracy. Blues Gang right now is still performing in clubs and functions despite having an evergreen hit "Apo Nak Dikato" because their work has been pirated to the maximum. They gain very little from their work and somebody high in the government is apparently protecting the pirates. Ito was that close to being banned by RTM.

In conclusion, both the Malays and the artistes in Malaysia are being kicked in the stomach by UMNO and Barisan Nasional. UMNO gets support from the Malays based on the artistes' activities and they also get some form of material benefits from piracy (based on my conversation with Ito).

In Malaysia, everything that happens, UMNO will be the final beneficiary, it seems.


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